Grandchester Cemetery Ipswich Memorial Inscriptions

© Copyright 1996-2025 Kerry Raymond and David Horton

Grandchester Cemetery, Ipswich

Address: Sippels Road, Grandchester, (Ipswich City)
south of town off the road to Mount Mort. (Possibly also accessed via Cemetery Road)
Opened: 1896
# graves: approx 93
Grandchester was originally called Bigges' Camp after two brothers who settled in the Brisbane Valley in the first great rush for land by free settlers in the 1840s. These were Frederick and Francis Bigge, nephews of Commissioner Bigge. Frederick was known as 'Big'Bigge and Francis as 'Little' Bigge.
The first railway line to be built in Queensland ran from Ipswish to Bigges' Camp. It was opened 31 July, 1865. Governor Bowen thought that the terminus of such an historic railway should have a more dignified name so made up a name from grandis meaning great or big, and chester meaning camp.

More information about
Country Churches and Cemeteryis (Ipswich city council)
Rosewood and District, Then and Now
Grandchester war memorial
Grandchester history (by the State School)
about Grandchester
Grandchester | Queensland Places

Photographed: 7 Aug 2005

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