Emie Gladys PROUDLOCK, 1-3-1905 - 3-8-1977;  | Margaretha Elsie PROUDLOCK, 29-8-1895 - 5-7-1985;  | Marburg Anglican Cemetery, Ipswich  |

Emie Gladys PROUDLOCK, 1-3-1905 - 3-8-1977;
Margaretha Elsie PROUDLOCK, 29-8-1895 - 5-7-1985;
Marburg Anglican Cemetery, Ipswich

All the headstone photos in Marburg Anglican Cemetery, Ipswich
Names in photographed order.
Names in alphabetical order.
Latitude -27.56606915446557, Longitude 152.6114697275327
Latitude -27° 33’ 58", Longitude 152° 36’ 41"

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© Copyright 1996-2025 Kerry Raymond and David Horton